We are committed to reverse the increasing incidence and prevalence of all kinds of cancer in Africa.
Activities on Cervical Cancer
PECA conducted awareness campaign “saveourdaughters”, at the Jabi lake park on the 11th, 18th & 25th of February 2017 and on 11thof March 2017 at the National Stadium Abuja. This programme was designed to inform the populace on the more prevalent cancers in Nigeria (Breast, Cervical ,Prostate and Colon)and highlighted the importance of the HPVvaccine and the need for a school-based HPV vaccination Programme
Know the Facts
The HPV vaccine protects you from having the virus that causes cervical cancer. It helps you and your family stay protected for life. Visit the nearest health center for testing and get vaccinated.
Get vaccinated with the HPV vaccine and protect yourself and your family from the virus that causes cervical cancer.
What is Cervical Cancer? Ep1
What is Cervical Cancer? Ep2
What is Cervical Cancer? Ep3
What is Cervical Cancer? Ep4
What is Cervical Cancer? Ep5
What is Cervical Cancer? Ep6